Home » Initiative – EPRT: Applicant Toolbox

External Peer Review of Teaching

Guidelines & Instructions – for Faculty with Teaching and/or Educational Leadership as an Area of Emphasis.

How to Submit a Promotion Packet for Review (website)
A quick review of the process and how to get some coaching help.  Plus a few tips.
Packet Overview (pdf)
This document provides a short overview of the components of the promotion packet.Note the recommendation on including a COVER SECTION with a hyperlinked table of contents. STEP ONE: Select the domains that you have been active in.  See the Educator’s CV (TV) and Teaching Portfolio documents for explanations of each domain.


“Educator’s CV” (pdf)
This document is intended to serve as a guideline and to provide prompts to consider as you develop your Educator’s CV.  Please note: few faculty (especially early in their careers) will be able to list activities in all domains. See the Teaching Portfolio webpage below for examples of CV entries.

Teaching Portfolio (reflective document) (website)

The REFLECTIVE component of your promotion captures your teaching philosophy, maps your 5 year goals, and showcases up to 5 carefully selected teaching activities/accomplishments you wish to highlight.  This webpage provides an overview document, links to downloadable templates, and examples of completed templates for each domain.

Appendices (pdf)
The appendices should consist of judiciously chosen evidence to support your promotion packet. This is also where you can append materials to support the activities you highlighted in your Teaching Portfolio.  See this document for suggested elements to include in the appendices.
Cover Section (pdf)
To simplify the review process for local reviewers (e.g. department, college, and university levels), consider adding a very short cover section.  This document describes a recommended format.



Additional Applicant Resources

PURPOSE:  The RTA’s Educator’s Promotion Packet guidelines and format are intended to (a) to provide an evidence-based dossier template for faculty with significant teaching and/or educational leadership responsibilities, so that (b) promotion packets might be more fairly and rigorously reviewed – including, ideally, by qualified external reviewers.  The format represents an evidence-based approach, and has been modified from the AAMC Toolbox for Medical Educators